Zoology and Botany
Formally known as Advanced Biology
Mr. Peevyhouse


This class constitutes an in depth investigation of selected aspects of zoology and botany. The animal kingdom is examined in survey style, including detailed study of sponges, cnidarians, worms, mollusks, arthropods, echinoderms, and chordates. The course includes numerous dissections, microscope labs and live animal activities. The botany portion of the course emphasizes the diversity of higher plants and the anatomy of flowering plants. The course work is designed to provide a solid body of biological information as well as to promote critical thinking, curiosity, creativity, and a deeper appreciation of the living world around us.


1.    Be in class on time, prepared with a pen or pencil, the current study packet, and textbook.  Tardies will negatively affect your grade. Just don't be late!  As missing class time impacts your learning, I take a hard line on tardies; please refer to the student handbook for consequences.  The tardy policy will be discussed and posted in class.

2.    The use of electronic devices in class (phones, MP3 players, etc.) is prohibited and will result in the confiscation of the device and consequences in accordance with school policy.  However, there will be a couple of specific times when the teacher will require you to use these devices with permission to complete a specific task.

3.    Maintain regular progress in the current packet. These packets provide important structure for the class. Every assignment, lab, notes, etc, are contained within the packets. Assignments will be stamped regularly and then the whole packet will be turned in and graded at the end of the unit.  Also, packets may be used on the Open Packet Final at the end of each semester.

4.    All work must be turned in on time as late work is not accepted.  Assignments must be stamped on the due date to assure credit.  If you have an excused absence (see student handbook for excused absence), you are allowed one day of make-up time for each day missed to receive credit.  No late work will be accepted for unexcused absences.  The calendar at the beginning of the packet should help you stay on top of your assignments. The packet will be turned in on the day of the test for the unit.

5.    Take all tests and quizzes on their assigned dates. Make-up opportunities will be provided during class on the day you return only for cases of legitimate, excused absences.

6.    Participate cooperatively in class discussions and activities, contributing to a positive classroom learning environment.  If you miss a warm-up due to an excused absence, see me before class subsequent to the absence being cleared through the attendance office. 

7.    As a final note, plagiarism (including the copying of homework assignments) will not be tolerated and result in forfeiture of credit and disciplinary action.  Maintain 100% integrity.

Approximate %
Study Packets....................30%
Tests and Quizzes..............50%
90-100%      A
80-89%        B
70-79%        C
60-69%        D
Below 60%   F


For assignments, grades, communications, etc…visit my web site at: